Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Zany Friendships and The Salty Sea

Friends enrich my life.

The ocean refreshes my soul.

The opportunity to combine the two is invaluable. 

This past weekend, my opportunity was just that - the combination of wonderful, zany friendships and the salty sea – what a fabulous blessing.

(photocred : Jules) 

We all gathered to celebrate a thirtieth birthday.

Let me tell you … we did it the right way.

We partied like we were still in college – sort of - for one night anyway.

Beer Pong                
Semi Drunken Walks in the Sand    
Staring at the Electric Waves …
Rock Wall (fireplace) Climbing  
Private Dance Parties    
Arm Wrestling   … 
Cards Against Humanity    
Yoga Poses  
Stories of Years Past  
Asking the Serious Questions   

We made meals together and just simply enjoyed each other’s company.

We yelled at the TV together when the Ducks played.

Then cuddled our old selves up for a movie when we couldn’t party any more.

They were the best of times.

We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

I can’t say enough how ecstatic I am to have friendships like I do.

Nurture your friendships – well, the good ones anyway. They’re worth it.

Here’s to another 17 years, Sasha!

Can’t wait to have some more fun and make some more memories!

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