Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood Moon

I love connecting with nature and being aware of the phenomena’s that occur throughout the year.  I am always left in awe of the awesomeness of earth and our surroundings …  

“Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all – that has been my religion.” 
~John Burroughs~

It is my hope to pass on my love of nature to my boy. I want him to be aware of the impressiveness of our earth and when I can, I immerse him in nature. This morning, we were able to experience the blood moon. We woke up in the wee hours – on a school night – to watch the moon align with earth and the sun in a way that is rare and beautiful. As we stared up at the orange-red moon, I felt peace. We were so small in the still of the night. The mass of the sky was all around us. The stars were bright and bold. Allowing my baby to experience such amazing wonder is something I hold dear. We are but a small spec in this universe. When we step back and appreciate the magnitude of it, it is humbling and gives way to a sense of self that can’t be matched.

Explore nature. Make it your friend – it will never disappoint. In its stillness, you will find a space for your soul to endure all that life throws at you. Sit quietly in the presence of the life within this world we have been given. It will enhance your life in ways nothing else can. Breathe in the beauty of it all. Don’t take it for granted. We are stardust in the highest glorious way. What a lovely thing.

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