Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Teepee!

Now that the colder weather is coming soon and we will need to spend more time indoors, I thought it would be the perfect time to fulfill my desire to have a teepee in our house! 
I mean, what kid wouldn't want their own teepee to play in?! 

Right after breakfast and teeth brushing, we headed out to get supplies ... 

We got five 1/2" x 6' boards - we don't have that large of a space - but you could fit to size. 

We were super lucky to find this nice fabric for super cheap! 

Back at home, we got to work. Since I don't have a drill, we used the 'old fashioned way' to create holes in each board so we could jute them together to hold them in place. 

We laced the jute through the holes and created our desired tee pee frame. 

Flung the fabric around the frame, securing with a staple gun and …

We added some pillows inside and a cute little scarf at the top for some character. 
Now, we have an awesome teepee in the family room! 
The boy loves it and so do I. 
Time to play! 

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