Sunday, October 26, 2014


In this society, which we tend to cater to children’s every beck and call, I am afraid my son will become dependent. Dependent on me, controlled substances, food, monetary possessions … the list could go on. Reality is – dependency can be scary.

One goal I have as his mother is to alleviate the need for dependency as much as I can. I am determined to make him aware of life’s realities and responsibilities. This aspiration is not only supported by my love for him but also by my own struggles with dependency.

Of course, I want to protect him. I want him to know that when he needs support, I am here for him. When he has a nightmare, I want him to know he can crawl in to my bed at night. When he has a question about how to talk to the first person he has a crush on, I want him to feel comfortable enough to come to me. I want to allow him the joys of childhood – I don’t want to force him to grow up too fast by giving him too many adult responsibilities. I do though want him to feel comfortable enough in his abilities to (hopefully) forgo dependency to a certain extent.  

Balancing these two desires can be precarious, yes. I feel that a healthy balance can be found though. Some of what I am trying to do in order to find that balance …

Daily reminders of personal strengths:

This can be tricky. Although I think it’s extremely important to tell children you recognize their strengths – and help them to acknowledge those strengths, I believe too much praise may cause a person to become over confident or develop a “fixed mindset” (to learn more about the idea of a fixed mindset, you can read Mindset, a book by Dr. Carol Dweck). A child generally acquires this type of attitude when adults portray their intelligence or abilities as permanent rather than focusing on the child’s ability to grow and learn. When personal strengths are affirmed and supported though, kiddos have more opportunity to share their gifts with the world – to become positive roles within their society. We all have gifts and talents. To be awakened to these at an early age is a gift I would like to give my son. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … we become what we’re told we are. Positive words do wonders.

Teaching rather than doing … this includes chores:

Teaching little ones to do things on their own is time consuming. When a kiddo asks for help, especially when you’re trying to move quickly, it’s much easier to just do it for them. But, to take the time to show them how to do it themselves is much more fulfilling in the long run – both for you and for them. I personally require my little guy to take on chores around the house to teach him how he can “go on without me”. I want him to not only feel good about himself through his accomplishments, I want him to feel confident in his abilities when he is required to do things on his own. At his ripe old age of six, he takes out the trash, does the recycling, loads his dirty dishes in to the dishwasher, empties the dishwasher when the dishes are clean, sorts – washes – folds and puts away his own clothes, can turn on his own shower – wash himself and turn the shower off, makes his own bed and cleans his own room. Now, I don’t say this to boast or to compare. Rather, I write out this list to prove that I believe every child is capable of learning tasks – of carrying some of the responsibilities that come with living in a household. Plus, when they complete a new task, children have a sense of gratification that is irreplaceable and will most likely empower them to learn new things with more ease throughout their lives.

Shower with love:

Give hugs and kisses. Children only want to cuddle for a short period of time so – if they want to cuddle, cuddle. Let them crawl into your lap at the end of the day and rest their head on your shoulder. Whenever they want to be close to you, take a moment from whatever you are doing and get close. Hold their hand. Listen to their stories. Listen to their ideas and philosophies. Give them assurance that those ideas are valuable. Give them your time. Time is love. Allow them the security to love themselves through your love. Love of oneself will ultimately put an end to the need for dependency – at least this is what I believe.

Now, my plan to guide my kiddo towards self-reliance is not fool proof – we’ll see how he’s doing in 10 years! I am no expert but I feel confident in what I am currently doing as his parent. I feel that we have a real, human relationship. There’s no perfection in this house! We laugh, cry, talk, yell, debate, learn, grow and love. I don’t think I could ask for much more.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Zany Friendships and The Salty Sea

Friends enrich my life.

The ocean refreshes my soul.

The opportunity to combine the two is invaluable. 

This past weekend, my opportunity was just that - the combination of wonderful, zany friendships and the salty sea – what a fabulous blessing.

(photocred : Jules) 

We all gathered to celebrate a thirtieth birthday.

Let me tell you … we did it the right way.

We partied like we were still in college – sort of - for one night anyway.

Beer Pong                
Semi Drunken Walks in the Sand    
Staring at the Electric Waves …
Rock Wall (fireplace) Climbing  
Private Dance Parties    
Arm Wrestling   … 
Cards Against Humanity    
Yoga Poses  
Stories of Years Past  
Asking the Serious Questions   

We made meals together and just simply enjoyed each other’s company.

We yelled at the TV together when the Ducks played.

Then cuddled our old selves up for a movie when we couldn’t party any more.

They were the best of times.

We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.

I can’t say enough how ecstatic I am to have friendships like I do.

Nurture your friendships – well, the good ones anyway. They’re worth it.

Here’s to another 17 years, Sasha!

Can’t wait to have some more fun and make some more memories!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Ms. Yousafzai

Hearing that Malala Yousafzai had received the Nobel Peace Prize for 2014 filled me with absolute joy! This young woman is such an amazing example of what a passion driven life can look like. I remember watching a Jon Stewart interview with Ms. Yousafzai about a year ago and tearing up while she spoke about crusading with peace.

Yes, her passion is education - she has a desire to secure an education for all young people and to call a halt to the suppression of children. She is driving her passion filled battle with intelligence and love. That is what makes her fight so powerful. 

“Even if there was a gun in my hand and he was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him [referring to the member of the Taliban that shot her in October of 2012]. This is the compassion I have learned from Mohamed, the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha. This is the legacy of change I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. This is the philosophy of nonviolence that I have learned from Gandhi, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: Be Peaceful and Love Everyone.”  ~Malala Yousafzai

The names she ‘drops’ here all come from different religions, different regions, different walks of life and are generally not thought of as similar or congruent. Ms. Yousafzai reminds us though that each of the leaders she mentions are fighters for peace - through peace – with peace and she will follow their lead.

She is awe inspiring to me.  To hit someone with a shoe when you want peace just doesn’t make much sense. 

Congratulations, Malala Yousafzai! You are leaving a legacy to be proud of. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood Moon

I love connecting with nature and being aware of the phenomena’s that occur throughout the year.  I am always left in awe of the awesomeness of earth and our surroundings …  

“Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all – that has been my religion.” 
~John Burroughs~

It is my hope to pass on my love of nature to my boy. I want him to be aware of the impressiveness of our earth and when I can, I immerse him in nature. This morning, we were able to experience the blood moon. We woke up in the wee hours – on a school night – to watch the moon align with earth and the sun in a way that is rare and beautiful. As we stared up at the orange-red moon, I felt peace. We were so small in the still of the night. The mass of the sky was all around us. The stars were bright and bold. Allowing my baby to experience such amazing wonder is something I hold dear. We are but a small spec in this universe. When we step back and appreciate the magnitude of it, it is humbling and gives way to a sense of self that can’t be matched.

Explore nature. Make it your friend – it will never disappoint. In its stillness, you will find a space for your soul to endure all that life throws at you. Sit quietly in the presence of the life within this world we have been given. It will enhance your life in ways nothing else can. Breathe in the beauty of it all. Don’t take it for granted. We are stardust in the highest glorious way. What a lovely thing.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Teepee!

Now that the colder weather is coming soon and we will need to spend more time indoors, I thought it would be the perfect time to fulfill my desire to have a teepee in our house! 
I mean, what kid wouldn't want their own teepee to play in?! 

Right after breakfast and teeth brushing, we headed out to get supplies ... 

We got five 1/2" x 6' boards - we don't have that large of a space - but you could fit to size. 

We were super lucky to find this nice fabric for super cheap! 

Back at home, we got to work. Since I don't have a drill, we used the 'old fashioned way' to create holes in each board so we could jute them together to hold them in place. 

We laced the jute through the holes and created our desired tee pee frame. 

Flung the fabric around the frame, securing with a staple gun and …

We added some pillows inside and a cute little scarf at the top for some character. 
Now, we have an awesome teepee in the family room! 
The boy loves it and so do I. 
Time to play! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Needs, Wants and Worthiness

I have a fabulous way of being attracted to guys who are either unavailable or bad for me. Yes. This happens. Not only to me – to other women too. Let’s be honest though … my track record is pretty shitty. Just to name a few –-- one of my ex boyfriends stole my car, one told me that my weight was actually a major turn off and well, one’s currently in prison.  

More recently, with my dating ventures, men who don’t want a serious relationship seem to be flocking to me and I find myself wondering if (in their eyes) I fall into the terrible stereotype of the ‘easy’, overweight, single mom! OK … There are obviously a few things I need to work on. Stress on the word I. This can no longer be a “them” problem. I need to look within myself for this one.

 First things first - realizing I allow the kind of behavior I encounter.

I permit the kind of treatment I feel I am worthy of. Talking to a dear friend about my relationship mishaps and frustrations helped me realize that my love for myself still needs some work. It’s come a long way but it still needs a lot of work. I need to genuinely believe that I am worthy! I am an awesomely amazing woman with a lot to give, damn it! I am smart, beautiful, funny, strong, hard-working, kind, intuitive, happy, creative and sensitive (among other things)! Without truly believing these things myself, how in the world should I expect anyone else to view me this way? So, guess what I’m doing? I am literally looking myself in the mirror, everyday, and telling myself how awesome I am. Yes … corny as hell but extremely helpful!

 Second – getting over the idea that I NEED someone (a man) in my life.

Would it be completely gratifying and fantastic to find a man to share life with? Of course. Is it something I want? Yup. Wanting it too much though can become detrimental. When my attention is placed so heavily on the goal of finding that special someone, my attention is taken off the present, off the blessings I already have. That’s no good. The best things tend to happen without warning. Being in constant look out mode takes the surprise and romance out of it all anyway. I just need to chill. Live my life and remember that what will be will be. If my desire to be in a loving, committed relationship is meant to be, it will happen for me. Scouting it out on the constant and feeling like it is necessary makes it easier to settle or make brainless snap decisions to be in an unworthy relationship. That’s no good.

Lastly – and most simply – I’ve got to stop thinking with my vagina.

I am a woman. I have needs. I like to have those needs fulfilled. It is not only men that have these needs, contrary to popular belief. So, yea. I need to think beyond my physical and sexual needs no matter how loud they are screaming at me - every – single – day.

I’ll have rough days or weeks where I won’t believe I am worthy. I will have days of weakness when I feel like all I need is a man to love and support me and everything will be OK. I’ll get through though. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have a problem so; I’m feeling pretty good about where I am right now. And, yes, I will have sex on the regular again one day. That will make things better too.