Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Compliment

A few weeks ago, my kiddo gave me a compliment I will always cherish. He told me that I am everything he imagined a mom should be. I mean, wow. What an awesome thing to be told! I was floored.


I have moments every single day when I wonder if I am doing everything I can as a mother. Some days, I absolutely convince myself that I am the worst mother in the world. I think all moms have these feelings from time to time, right? We all have moments or entire days when we feel as though we are failing our children.

To be reassured in such a simple way is a blessing I refuse to take for granted.

As I reflected on his compliment, I realized that it wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing example I was given by my parents. They believed in a certain amount of tough love but were warm, loving and sensitive. They supported me in every area of life. They gave me basic needs as well as emotional support. My brother and I were the most important things in their lives. Everything they did, they did for us. I can’t say enough how much I am indebted to them for who I have become as a parent.

My parents did make mistakes of course and so will I. Perfection is not attainable – nor do I want to be perfect. However, I will always remind myself that as long as I am trying my best to be the best for him, all will be well. Love is the foundation and yes, I am everything my son’s mother should be. I was meant to be his mom.   

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