Sunday, September 28, 2014

New Name, New Goals

I’ve decided to do some revamping! New name, new goals!

There are so many aspects of my life that I enjoy and want to share pieces of so, I’ll be sharing …
Recipes and ideas for kiddo snacks
Favorite quotes and what I think about them
Stories from my job
Stories about me – as a woman and as a mom

This means I will be posting more than I have in the past and I am really excited about what that means for my writing, as it is truly a passion of mine!

First up – Sunday Quote Day!

The simplicity of this is so profound. When we learn to accept our path and realize that no matter how crooked it may be – it is beautiful - happiness is a space much easier found! Wanting what we don’t have is too prevalent in American society. We expect our lives to resemble a certain level of perfection when perfection can’t be found. Treasuring our crooked path and thanking the universe for what we’ve been given, rather than cursing it for what we don’t have is how peace can be found.

This is something I struggle with from time to time. It isn’t an easy state of mind for everyone to commit to. Take a moment every day to say aloud what you're thankful for. Make peace with your crooked path. Remind yourself that you are where you are supposed to be.

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